
Life is full

A friend once told me ‘I enjoy traveling but hate being away from home’

I finally understand, if home is where the heart is then there should be a longing to get home.

My job requires me to travel to some pretty awesome places all over the world. I love these trips, I get to meet new people, new businesses, see new culture and take new photos. These trips are often highlights of my professional career and come with much learning and valuable exposure.

These days I have found something more valuable than travel, success, new experiences and new learnings.

Life is not made enjoyable by finding joy in your work. Life is made better by those you share it with. These people will hold your heart and they will make your house a home. The warmth and energy in your home will be driven by their heartbeat.

So my tips for a full life:
1) Focus on people more than progress
2) Love people more than you love work
3) Steal time from work instead of from your family
4) Reserve some energy for the weekend, you’ll enjoy spending it there much more than at work.

Article originally posted on my Medium Profile

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